In France, a combination of different forms of belief of practice (syncretism) created a new style in architecture; Gothic. Unlike the Romanesque church designs, there are different structural systems in Gothic cathedrals. While the Romans preferred the heavy barrel vaults, Gothic designers chose pointed arches, ribbed vaults and flying buttresses to achieve a candescent effect.

THE CITY RETURNS : Market Towns and New Towns
The new prosperity of the cities encouraged the expansion of city walls and the construction of gigantic cathedrals and impressive civic buildings. They give attention to create public spaces on an orthogonal plan by using grid system. The new towns and the cities increased people’s accessibility and freedom of movement.

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Bruges oval planning

Bruges improved the canal system and constructed several civic monuments including the Belfry, the Cloth Hall, and the Waterhalle.

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THE GOTHIC CATHEDRAL: The Crown of the City
Gothic architecture has a nutation to vertical and the designers’ aim is creating ”heavenly” interior light. As I said before, they used three structural expedients: pointed arches, ribbed vaults, and flying buttresses. While none of the three was a new invention, together they comprised a symbolic potential of light. Pointed arches are made by intersecting two half-circles drawn from different centring points. Groin vaults, compared to barrel vaults, also have more flexibility. Also, they used stained glass windows to achieve new light. (Rose window)

The Spread of Gothic: International yet Local

Outside the France, Gothic become preffered style. English,German, Dutch, Spanish, Czech, Portuguese, and even reluctantly Italian.

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